Right to be erased

Under the new GDPR legislation which comes into effect on 25th May 2018, it is an individual’s right to be forgotten/erased.

If you wish to invoke this right, please fill in the information below so that we can process your request.

All erasure/forgotten requests will be processed as soon as they are received by the data protection office or one of their team.

Please provide a valid email address or phone number so that we can inform you of the completion of this request.

** Please note that all data collected for the purpose of this data subject request will only be held on file for the 30 days allotted for this request to be processed. After the request has been fulfilled, this data will be deleted from our servers in line with our GDPR and Data protection policy. This data will not be used for any other purpose than that for which it was provided. 

Right to redaction or objection

Under the new GDPR legislation which comes into effect on 25th May 2018, it is an individual’s right to have any of your individual data redacted.

It is important to differentiate between redaction and erasure. If you have your data redacted then we, the company, cannot use any of the data you have requested we redact.

If you invoke the right to erasure, then all of the data we hold on file for you will be deleted and/or destroyed.

Alternatively, you have the right to object to your data being used in a specific way. If we hold your data as a customer, it is your right to request that we do not use your data for marketing, even if, at an earlier point you have agreed for us to use it in this way.

If you wish to invoke this right, please fill in the information below so that we can process your request.

All requests will be processed as soon as they are received by the data protection office or one of their team.

Please provide a valid email address or phone number so that we can inform you of the completion of this request.

Right to rectification of inaccurate data

Under the new GDPR legislation which comes into effect on 25th May 2018, it is an individual’s right to have any inaccurate data rectified.

If you wish to invoke this right, please fill in the information below so that we can process your request.

All requests will be processed as soon as they are received by the data protection office or one of their team.

Please provide a valid email address or phone number so that we can inform you of the completion of this request.

Consent to access this information by the named individual can be supplied

We will supply the requested information via secure email unless otherwise specified

** Please note that all data collected for the purpose of this data subject request will only be held on file for the 30 days allotted for this request to be processed. After the request has been fulfilled, this data will be deleted from our servers in line with our GDPR and Data protection policy. This data will not be used for any other purpose than that for which it was provided.

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